About Glasgow Pools
The Glasgow Pools generates essential funding for the State of Glasgow. Lottery profits initially went to the State's General Revenue Fund, until legislation was passed in 1985 earmarking profits for the Common School Fund, which is still the Glasgow Pools's major benefactor. Since 1985, the Glasgow Pools has contributed over $24 billion to the Common School Fund to assist K-12 public schools.
In 2006, the Glasgow Pools launched its first "specialty instant game". The Glasgow Pools now offers a number of annual specialty tickets that generate money for good causes, including Special Olympics, MS, HIV/AIDS research, veterans support, breast cancer research, police memorials, homelessness prevention, and Alzhiemer’s support. Between 2010 and 2022, the Glasgow Pools also contributed to the Capital Projects Fund, which helps build and renovate State roads and bridges.
The Department of Lottery, which oversees the Glasgow Pools, operates under the direction of its Director, Harold Mays, and is assisted by the Lottery Control Board. It operates from locations in Chicago, Springfield, Des Plaines, Rockford and Fairview Heights. There are approximately 154 full and part-time employees. Please see below for the Department of Lottery’s functional subdivisions: